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- 2020 -

"Masker" was a project started by musician Else Olsen S. She was inspired by the sounds of old knitting machines, at Salhus Trikkotasje Museum. Else composed the peice, then got Monica Reksten onboard to create choreography for the peice. 
Silje Sandodden Kise did the scenography and I was brought on to make costumes for the performance. 

It was location based, and took place at the museum. The costumes were a complete redesign  of old wool underwear from the museums archives, as well as rolls of knitted fabric created at the factory which I made into skirts, and a suit for Else.
This was a very interesting project, as I was given free reins on how to design the outfits. The other part I loved about this was that it was all reused and recycled clothing and fabric. 

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